Destacados en
rojo son nuestros.
La noticia del reconocimiento, por parte la Secretaría de Cultos de la
Nación Argentina, de la Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pio X como parte de la
Iglesia Católica Romana es un acto jurídico muy importante por las implicancias
que conlleva.
Este análisis en modo alguno se refiere a las cuestiones que se
suscitaron desde las ordenaciones de cuatro Obispos por Monseñor Lefevbre, ni a
los posteriores acercamientos con la Santa Sede, ni a todas las cuestiones que
se han debatido en estas décadas acerca de la inserción de la FSSPX en la
Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana. Es un estricto análisis jurídico de la
Resolución de la Secretaría de Cultos dependiente del Ministerio de Relaciones
Exteriores y Culto de la República Argentina. Trataré de ser lo más
esquemático, claro y sintético posible.
1) En la legislación interna de la Argentina la Iglesia Católica tiene
un estatus muy particular: es una Persona Jurídica de Derecho Público
según el art. 33 del Código Civil, naturaleza jurídica que comparte con el
estado nacional, las provincias, los municipios y las entidades autárquicas. Es
la única persona jurídica de derecho público no estatal, gozando de una
jerarquía mayor a cualquier asociación o sociedad que puedan imaginarse
(bancos, multinacionales, clubes de fútbol, etc.).
2) Constitucionalmente el estado argentino está obligado
al sostenimiento del Culto Católico Apostólico Romano y
constituye la religión oficial del país, lo que implica que
los Obispos argentinos gocen de una remuneración idéntica a la de un juez
federal, además de contar con exenciones impositivas. También existen múltiples
conexiones entre Estado e Iglesia, como capellanías en el ejército, policía,
servicio penitenciario y policías provinciales que son solventadas por el
estado, revistiendo los sacerdotes
categorías de agentes de la Administración Pública (nacional, provincial o
municipal, según el caso).
3) La Santa Sede y la Nación Argentina tienen un Concordato aprobado por
Ley 17.032 que regula las relaciones internacionales entre ambos estados,
constituyendo una fuente de derecho público importante. De ese concordato surge
la ley 24.483, que en su art.1° concede la personalidad jurídica civil a
los Institutos de Vida Consagrada y Sociedades de Vida Apostólica que gocen de
personalidad jurídica pública en la Iglesia Católica, con su sola
inscripción en un registro que llevará el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y
4) Con fundamento en la Ley 24.483 y su decreto reglamentario 491 el
Arzobispo de Buenos Aires Mario Aurelio Cardenal POLI solicita que la
Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pio X sea encuadrada en los términos de dicha ley y
se le conceda el reconocimiento, por parte del estado argentino, como Instituto
de Vida Consagrada. La solicitud data del 23 de febrero de 2015 y la Resolución
25/15 que la concede está fechada el 17 de marzo del mismo año, en un trámite
extremadamente rápido.
5) Según los fundamentos del decreto publicado en el Boletín Oficial de
la República Argentina, en su petición el Cardenal Poli sostiene que hasta
tanto la FSSPX encuentre el definitivo encuadramiento en la Iglesia Universal,
sea tenida en cuenta como una Asociación de Derecho Diocesano en los
términos del art. 298 del Código de Derecho Canónico, y además agrega que
está en proceso de formación (in fieri) como Sociedad de Vida
6) Si se accede a la página oficial de la Secretaría de Cultos de
Argentina existe un Registro de cultos reconocidos en el país (evangélicos,
budistas, africanistas, etc.) y un Registro de Institutos de Vida Consagrada
en los términos de la Ley 24483. Este registro es exclusivo
para la Iglesia Católica y los formularios (con instructivos)
para su trámite están en la web.
7) Para su constitución se debe acompañar, entre otras cosas, el decreto
de erección de la asociación, las Constituciones, el consentimiento
de la autoridad eclesiástica, la Memoria (con estructura del instituto, forma
de gobierno, Autoridad suprema universal y Autoridades
locales, fecha de instalación en el país, principales actividades que
desarrolla), el nombramiento del Superior Mayor en Argentina, sede legal, etc.
Los papeles deben ser presentados, traducidos al idioma nacional y las copias debidamente certificadas por la Nunciatura, o por
la Embajada Argentina ante la Santa Sede, o por la Secretaría General de la
Conferencia Episcopal Argentina, o por la Curia Diocesana competente en razón
del domicilio (Buenos Aires en este caso).
8) Como conclusión puede decirse que: a) No queda duda alguna que
tanto el Cardenal Poli (como Arzobispo de Buenos Aires) como la Nación
Argentina reconocen a la FSSPX como parte integrante de la Iglesia
Católica Apostólica Romana; b) De la lectura de la Resolución 25/15,
de la legislación interna de la Argentina y de los formularios oficiales de la
página web de la Secretaría de Cultos tampoco queda duda que el
trámite cuenta con la expresa conformidad de la FSSPX, única que
puede brindar todos y cada uno de los requisitos burocráticos exigidos,
principalmente las constituciones, forma de gobierno y autoridades; c) La FSSPX
quedó registrado con el n°381 entre los Institutos de Vida Consagrada dependientes
de la Iglesia Católica. Ninguno de los otros cultos cristianos no católicos
reconocidos por la Argentina son parte de la Iglesia Católica y por
tanto no gozan de los beneficios que la ley brinda a su religión oficial, más
allá del tratamiento y ayudas que los gobiernos le presten para el cumplimiento
de sus fines.
Es posible
interpretar que este acto jurídico del Estado Argentino, además del valor
simbólico por ser la tierra de S.S. Francisco, tiene un efecto jurídico de
grandes proporciones cuyas consecuencias se extienden a la Iglesia Universal. El
Cardenal Poli, Arzobispo de Buenos Aires, está otorgando, directa e
indirectamente (a través del estado argentino) personería jurídica en los
términos del Código de Derecho Canónico Universal.
Reitero que esto significa un avance más allá de Benedicto XVI.
Según informa ACI Prensa el 27 de junio de 2013 en su
nota “Lefebvristas reafirman cisma y ponen fin al diálogo con la Iglesia
Católica” el P. Lombardi (quien se remite al Papa Benedicto XVI), dijo
que “mientras la
Fraternidad no tenga un estatus canónico en la Iglesia sus ministros no
ejercen un ministerio legítimo en ella”. Y en la misma nota se cita
un comunicado de la Santa Sede de febrero de 2009 advirtió que “el
levantamiento de la excomunión ha liberado a los obispos de una pena gravísima,
pero no ha cambiado la situación jurídica de la Fraternidad San Pio X, que en
el momento actual no goza de ningún reconocimiento canónico en la Iglesia
El Razonamiento Jurídico debe nutrirse de la Lógica.
Una cosa no puede
“ser y no ser” al mismo tiempo.
La Res. 25/15 del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de la República
Argentina ha cambiado rotundamente la situación. Hoy la FSSPX –por iniciativa
del Arzobispo de Buenos Aires- es una asociación de fieles en los términos del
art.298 del Código de Derecho Canónico y se encuentra en camino de ser un
Instituto de Vida Consagrada, gozando de pleno reconocimiento
dentro de la Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana.
H.T (Jurista
Translated by Michael Fuller.
The news of the recognition, by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Argentine Nation, of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X as part of the Roman Catholic Church is a very important legal act because of the implications that it entails.
In no way does this analysis deal with the issues that arose since the consecrations of the four bishops by Archbishop Lefebvre, nor the subsequent rapprochement with the Holy See, and it does not refer to all the questions that have been debated in recent decades about the inclusion of the SSPX into the Roman Catholic Church. It is a strict legal analysis of the Resolution of the Ministry of Religion depending on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion of the Argentine Republic. I will try to be as schematic, clear and concise as possible.
1) In the domestic law of Argentina, the Catholic Church has a very special status: it is a Legal Person of Public Law under Art. 33 of the Civil Code, a legal nature which it shares with the national state, provinces, municipalities and autonomous entities. It is the only juridical person of non-state public law, enjoying a hierarchy greater than any association or society imaginable (banks, multinationals, soccer clubs, etc.).
2) Constitutionally, the Argentine state is obligated to support the Apostolic Roman Catholic Religion and it is the official religion of the country, which implies that the Argentine Bishops enjoy an identical compensation to that of a federal judge, in addition to tax exemptions. There are also multiple connections between Church and State, like chaplains in the army, police, prison service and provincial police who are paid by the State, re-labeling the priests into categories of agents of Public Administration (national, provincial or municipal, as appropriate).
3) The Holy See and the Argentine Nation have a Concordat approved by Law 17032 which regulates the international relations between the two states, constituting an important source of public law. From this concordat originates law 24.483, which in its article 1 ° granted civil legal personality to the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life who enjoy a public legal personality status in the Catholic Church, with its single inscription in a register which it will convey to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4) Based on the Law 24.483, and its regulatory decree 491, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires Mario Aurelio Cardinal POLI requests that the Priestly Society of St. Pius X is classified in the terms of said law and that it is granted recognition by the Argentine government as an Institute of Consecrated Life. The application dates from February 23, 2015 and the Resolution 25/15 that grants this is dated as of March 17 of the same year, in an extremely rapid process.
5) According to the fundamentals of the decree published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic, Cardinal Poli maintains in his petition that until the SSPX finds the final framework of the Universal Church, that it shall be taken into account as an Association of Diocesan Right in the terms of art.298 of the Code of Canon Law, and also adds that in the process of formation (in fieri,in the course of execution) as a Society of Apostolic Life.
6) If you access the official website of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Argentina there is a register of recognized religions in the country (Protestants, Buddhists, Africanists, etc.) and a Register of Institutes of Consecrated Life in the terms of Law 24483. There is a unique register for the Catholic Church and forms (with instructions) for its processing are on the web.
7) For its constitution it must be accompanied with, among other things, the decree of establishment of the association, the Constitutions, the consent of ecclesiastical authority, the Memorandum (with structure of the institute, governance, universal supreme Authority and local Authorities, date of installation in the country, main activities that it works out), the appointment of the Main Superior in Argentina, legal venue, etc. The papers must be presented, translated into the national language and the copies duly certified by the Nunciature, or by the Argentine Embassy to the Holy See, or the General Secretariat of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, or by the competent Diocesan Curia by reason of residence (Buenos Aires in this case).
8) In conclusion we can say that: a) There is no doubt that both Cardinal Poli (as Archbishop of Buenos Aires) as much as the Argentine Nation recognize the SSPX as a constituent part of the Roman Catholic Church; b) From the reading of Resolution 25/15, of the domestic legislation of Argentina and the official forms from the website of the Ministry of Religious Affairs there is also no doubt that the process has the express agreement of the SSPX, the only one who can give each and every one of the necessary bureaucratic requirements, mainly the constitutions, governance and authorities; c) The SSPX was registered under n ° 381 between the Institutes of Consecrated Life which are dependents of the Catholic Church. None of the other non-Catholic Christian religions recognized by Argentina are part of the Catholic Church and therefore they do not enjoy the benefits that the law provides to its official religion, beyond the treatment and assistance that the administrations provide for the fulfillment of their purposes.
It is possible to interpret that this legal act of the Argentine State, besides the symbolic value as the land of His Holiness Francis, has a legal effect of great proportions whose consequences extend to the Universal Church. Cardinal Poli, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, is providing, directly and indirectly (through the Argentine state) legal status under the terms of the Universal Code of Canon Law.
I reiterate that this means an advance beyond Benedict XVI. According to ACI Prensa, on June 27th, 2013 in its article "Lefebvrians reaffirm schism and end the dialogue with the Catholic Church", Father Lombardi (who referred to Pope Benedict XVI) is cited saying that "as long as the Society does not have a canonical status in the Church, its ministers do not exercise legitimate ministries in the Church". And in the same note in a statement from the Holy See from February 2009 was cited warning that: "Until the doctrinal questions are clarified, the Society has no canonical status in the Church, and its not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church."
Legal Reasoning must be nourished on Logic. Something cannot "exist and not exist" simultaneously. The Res.25/15 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina has definitely changed the situation. Today the SSPX -by the initiative of the Archbishop of Buenos Aires- is an association of the faithful under the terms of art.298 of the Code of Canon Law and is on the track to being an Institute of Consecrated Life, enjoying full recognition within the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.
H.T (Argentine lawyer)
UPDATE (14/04) At Adelante la Fe we have asked that this prominent lawyer make an assessment of the various information, from both sides, which tries to downplay this news indicating that it is something merely "administrative". This is his response:
"After the news of the recognition of the Argentine state of the SSPX communiques have been released from both parties, that obscure rather than clarify.
"I reread the relevant parts of the Code of Canon Law and am even more convinced that there is no way to consider the SSPX part of the Church in Argentina, nor in the world. It violates any legal logic.
"This [that say's it's] about a purely administrative process -in order to freely exercise the apostolic life- has no basis because for decades they have been in our country with a seminary, churches, schools and other property that may well acquire a non-profit civil association. What is the administrative improvement? ¿Evade Income Tax? To obtain wages and subsidies?
"It would be facing a serious situation where they would not be in communion with Rome but receive benefits in Argentina as "Romans".
"The procedure took about fifteen business days, unfit for any bureaucratic procedure, unless a very tedious application was made, without missing anything and managed in advance with authority. The record is slash fifteen (/ 15) which shows that it started this year and is not merely a note from Poli accompanying a process from 2011, as stated by the Agency DICI.
"It is impossible that this was reached without the agreement of Rome and Ecône."
UPDATE (14/04) At Adelante la Fe we have asked that this prominent lawyer make an assessment of the various information, from both sides, which tries to downplay this news indicating that it is something merely "administrative". This is his response:
"After the news of the recognition of the Argentine state of the SSPX communiques have been released from both parties, that obscure rather than clarify.
"I reread the relevant parts of the Code of Canon Law and am even more convinced that there is no way to consider the SSPX part of the Church in Argentina, nor in the world. It violates any legal logic.
"This [that say's it's] about a purely administrative process -in order to freely exercise the apostolic life- has no basis because for decades they have been in our country with a seminary, churches, schools and other property that may well acquire a non-profit civil association. What is the administrative improvement? ¿Evade Income Tax? To obtain wages and subsidies?
"It would be facing a serious situation where they would not be in communion with Rome but receive benefits in Argentina as "Romans".
"The procedure took about fifteen business days, unfit for any bureaucratic procedure, unless a very tedious application was made, without missing anything and managed in advance with authority. The record is slash fifteen (/ 15) which shows that it started this year and is not merely a note from Poli accompanying a process from 2011, as stated by the Agency DICI.
"It is impossible that this was reached without the agreement of Rome and Ecône."